Condo-HOA Blog - High-rise Construction Defect Attorneys
Budget Season
'Tis the season. No, not the holidays, but the association budget season. That joyous season where managers and directors work tirelessly to develop a workable, responsible budget and get little or no appreciation for their efforts. read more
A Road is a Road
Our general counsel group often gets questions from clients about their Association's authority to deal with roads in their communities. Whether the question is about speed limits, parking, towing, or just improving the roadway, the question always requires us to make a number of determinations before being able to answer the question. Following these steps and trying to determine the answers to these questions before contacting counsel may even help communities resolve the ultimate issue with little legal intervention (and less expense!). read more
Don't Avoid Issues, Investigate Them and Consider Options
People often focus on the negative ramifications associated with litigation. It can be costly, time consuming and often not the most efficient method of resolving disputes. Associations will sometime actively avoid dealing with an issue because it might result in litigation and often fail to consider the ramifications of not pursuing, or at least considering, litigation. For example, associations will sometimes avoid investigating the extent of a problem because they fear what they might find. An association may become aware of water intrusion and avoid investigating the extent of their problem, fearing it might lead to extensive repairs, insurance claims and perhaps litigation. Avoiding the issue will never make it go away. Associations do not avoid issues by ignoring them. The issues and resulting damage compound while the options for relief become more limited. Eventually, a potential insurance claim or litigation is barred by applicable statutes of limitation and repose. Increased damages and no ability to pursue relief is not a good combination. read more
Last Minute Budget Advice for Washington Communities
By now, many communities in Washington will already have prepared, and maybe even had budgets approved, for 2019, but we wanted to get in one last reminder that because WCIOA's budget section applies to all condos and HOAs, your budget may be a little different this year, and you may have a little explaining to do at the budget ratification meeting. But whether the application of the WCIOA budget provision at RCW 64.90.525 is simple or not depends upon whether you are working with an HOA or Condo. Below are some highlights of the differences you may have to explain to owners. read more
The Insurable Interest Vortex
There is a roadside attraction in Oregon called the Oregon Vortex, where purported paranormal forces cause a number of optical illusions and oddities. It is definitely on my bucket list of Pacific Northwest attractions I want to visit. I have, however, made several visits to what I call the "Insurable Interest" vortex. While I doubt paranormal forces are at work with this vortex, it is worth a word of warning. read more